Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Standing is a simple task. An hour for someone my age shouldn't be a big problem besides boredom. Today in one of my choir classes, standing for an hour nearly killed my knees and back. At our break I sat on the floor and after 15 minutes of bliss we were back on our feet. Things like this completely wear me out. Holding my choir folder up to sing hurt my arms and after class I walked back to my dorm laid down and now I am posting this, because I cannot move from my bed. I am lucky in that I don't really have anything to do tonight so I can actually take my pain medication. Sadly, I'm excited about the prospect of taking the edge off the pain and getting to just lay in bed. I am not a lazy person and being happy to just lay in bed didn't use to be my idea of a good time. I was a barrel racer. I use to travel to my aunt and uncles house almost every weekend and ride horses. I can't even imagine riding hours on end anymore. Your loved ones suffering have to face the fact they are no longer the person they use to be. This can be a scary thing. Please remember they need someone to listen and an attempt to understand.


  1. I'm sorry! I love you. You still have the same soul, heart, and spirit of the girl I fell in love with 4 years ago. Never forget that. You may have outward pain and other complications, but you are still my baby! I love you and I hope the medicine helped and you feel better in the morning.

  2. I really wish I could take the pain away for just one day so you could ride. I know you must miss it so much. You were amazing at it. But the thing is, you're amazing at so many other things too. You're amazing at singing, writing, helping other people, and being my best friend. I wouldn't know what to do without you :)
