Sunday, March 21, 2010

Charts and Things

     Alex and I have ventured back to Norman. We faced a blizzard to get here! It was in the 70's on Friday and Saturday we woke up to 3 inches of snow and it snowed most of the day. Today the snow is melting, and tomorrow it's suppose to be back in the 60's. Oh, Oklahoma weather.
     School is tomorrow, I don't feel like I'm quite ready to go back, but I don't have a time machine so we'll see. I've decided to try to focus more on my health. I know I say it daily it seems like, but I am trying to find ways to make me the optimum patient. One idea I've found is I'm starting a "journal". I am going to make a form of a chart with categories nausea, pain, and fatigue. Each morning and night I will rate each one of these on a scale of 1 to 10 (like they use in the hospital, 1=  fine to 10= take me to the ER now.) My mother used this scale on me when I was little. I have a heart condition, SVT, supraventriculartacticardia. I learned that word when I was 7. I've always been a special kid when it came to health. Basically my heart would hurt, and my heart rate could easily shoot over 200 beats per minute. I think this chart with a familiar scale will help my doctors quickly see what I've been experiencing. I will see what I can make up, and maybe I'll post it later. I hope this has helped you come up with something that can help you express your aches and pains easier, ultimately getting you better care!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great that you're sharing all this information. I hope more and more college students who are facing chronic illnesses will stumble across your blog and find some great ideas and inspiration for helping themselves. You really are an inspiration, and I love you!
