Monday, March 29, 2010


     I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post! I've been busy with getting back on track with classes and trying to get everything straight or at least my head above water. One thing I've learned this week is to utilize your resources. I got a new phone on Sunday. My phone died, I got a G1 to replace it. It's called a google phone and it's by T-Mobile. I LOVE IT! About a week ago I got on google calendars and put in every class, and then scheduled my practice, homework, sleep, rest, appointments, tests, everything around it! Alex helped me of course. I now can upload this calendar to my phone and it's on my home screen. All I do is click on it and it tells me where I am suppose to be at that time. It is color coordinated and I can set reminders. This is a great tool, and if you have a g-mail account I recommend you playing around with your calendar. I also have a note keeper on there and I made a list of everything I need to do, short and long term so I can start working on it. I still haven't made a pain chart, but I'm racking my brain.

This Sunday I went with my amazing mother to a Lupus Foundation of America- Oklahoma Chapter: Support Group Leader meeting. We talked about running a group, up coming events for advocacy, and ways to grow your group! I'm pretty excited and can't wait to start putting these things into place. I also can't wait to join in on the state wide advocacy to stand up for chronic illnesses!

Overall, I'm doing ok. I'm looking more positive, but I'm still stumped about how I'll exactly go about making it through college. Guess I'm waiting to be smacked in the face with it.

I'll try to get back into posting. Thank you as always for following.

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